Merle tribute in Springvale

Merle Mitchell will be celebrated in a memorial tribute in Springvale in November. 126005_01 Picture: GARY SISSONS

The late Merle Mitchell AM will be celebrated in a City of Greater Dandenong memorial event in Springvale on 13 November.

The council has invited community members to submit stories and photos about Ms Mitchell for the event.

Ms Mitchell, who died in September 2021, was widely admired for her community leadership across an array of initiatives.

These included leading the Springvale Community Aid and Advice Bureau, the Australian Council of Social Service and the Spirit of Enterprise project.

Most recently, as an aged care resident, she delivered powerful insights to the federal Royal Commission into Aged Care.

She is a Living Treasure of Greater Dandenong, and winner of the council’s Community Hall of Fame award in 2015.

Greater Dandenong mayor Jim Memeti said the council was honoured to support Ms Mitchell’s family in celebrating her life and community contribution.

“Merle was a much-loved and well-respected person in our Greater Dandenong community.

“She became widely known for her achievements at local, state and federal levels, especially as an advocate for the provision of adequate social welfare and for the rights of older people in aged care.

“Merle was instrumental in the Spirit of Enterprise history project, which is internationally acclaimed, to ensure the story of local migrant settlement in Greater Dandenong was known, honoured and continually celebrated.”

Community members can submit a short story of up to 150 words with an optional image to be displayed at the celebration.

Submissions close on Sunday 25 September.

The memorial event is at Springvale Community Hub on Sunday, 13 November.
