MP welcomes baby Ruairí

Dandenong MP Gabrielle Williams and baby Ruairí.

Dandenong MP Gabrielle Williams has proudly announced the safe arrival of her baby Ruairí.

After “gruelling” attempts at IVF, the Mental Health and Treaty & First Peoples Minister posted the good news on social media on 12 October.

“Four kilograms of perfection, and so much love my heart is fit to burst,” she posted – with images of Ruairí (pronounced ‘Rory’) Arthur Francis Williams.

In 2021, Ms Williams told State Parliament about her “gruelling roller coaster of hope and despair” undergoing IVF.

“It can leave you feeling utterly broken”.

Ms Williams has thanked Monash Health for their “exceptional expertise, skill, compassion and care”.

“There aren’t enough words in the English language to adequately express my gratitude and thanks.”