Have your say

Council is soon to begin its budget process for 2023-24 and is encouraging the community to have their say on what matters most to them in Greater Dandenong.

Mayor, Cr Jim Memeti said Council is encouraging everyone to share their priorities.

“Council wants to hear your ideas and which services and facilities you would like us to support in 2023 and beyond,” said the Mayor.

Looking back on some of the issues in the area is the increase in unemployment rate, youth unemployment, Hazara community protests in Dandenong against the Hazara genocide in Afghanistan and refugees reunited with families in Melbourne.

There are several ways to share your ideas with Council. There is an interactive online tool and an online ideas wall and survey available via Council’s website.

A hard copy survey is also available via Council’s customer service centres.

The consultation is open until Monday 14 November.

For more information and to have your say visit https://www.greaterdandenong.vic.gov.au/budget-2023-24-consultation or visit Council’s customer service centres.