Gifts ride on a ‘brainwave’

Bakhtar Community Organisation gave away 30 second hand refurbished bikes to new arrivals in Noble Park North on 11 December.

By Sahar Foladi

Bakhtar Community Organisation handed out 30 refurbished bikes for new arrivals from Afghanistan and Ukraine at an event in Noble Park North.

The organisation had received the bikes from their charity partner Brainwave Bikes, which retails second-hand bikes in Melbourne.

Bakhtar Community chief executive Bassir Qadiri said he was incredibly proud of their partners who played a major role in helping the organisation provide better services to those in need.

“We are targeting the newly arrived refugees as most of them do not have driver license and have difficulties in transportation, so this is a perfect opportunity to encourage them to use bikes.

“Through this initiative we aim to promote health and well-being and the culture of using bikes as a transport for short distance which has a huge impact on environment.

“As a not for profit, all proceeds go towards donating bicycles to families in need as well as supporting the charity Brainwave Australia.

The Bakhtar organisation has committed great service for the community of newcomers and provided support for more than 2200 Afghan and Ukrainian refugees.

It looks after refugees from educating them to connecting them to the right services available to them and providing them employment opportunities.

They’ve placed over 100 jobseekers into employment since January 2022.

Not only that, the organisation’s case manager has consulted over 500 families and individuals from the new arrivals and connected them to settlement services.

One of the major highlights of the organisation is they recently opened a second distribution centre in Hallam.

“It will also be used for regular women focus group, workshops, cultural awareness activities and art classes,” Mr Qadiri said.