‘Heart-broken’ by crime

A trail of destroyed goods from an earlier break-in at the Bakhtar Community Organisation centre at Noble Park North.

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

A charity’s volunteers have been left in tears after burglars trashed and looted its distribution centre in Noble Park North for the fourth time in weeks.

Bakhtar Community Organisation staff discovered the latest break-in at its warehouse and storage sheds on Wednesday 1 February.

It was “heart-breaking” for many of the group’s hardy volunteers, who had just tidied up after the previous break-in.

“This time everyone got really emotional,” chief executive Bassir Qadiri said.

“They were in tears.

“We had dedicated two days every weekend to cleaning up the mess, getting more donations and preparing for this weekend’s distribution.

“They’re watching all their hard work disappear.”

The stolen and damaged goods, such as clothes, furniture, electronics, bedding and kitchen accessories, had been set aside for 50 families newly arrived from Afghanistan and Ukraine.

About $30,000 of material aid has been thieved or destroyed in the past two months.

“These items are really needed by new arrivals. They start with zero, literally nothing,” Mr Qadiri said.

“A family has been waiting two or three months for help from us and we intended to deliver to them this week.”

BCO is temporarily leasing the building from City of Greater Dandenong until 30 June. The building is earmarked for demolition as part of the council’s precinct masterplan.

Police investigating the break-in say the premises’ security is woefully inadequate, according to Mr Qadiri. It’s without electricity, CCTV or lighting, just padlocks that are too easily cut open.

“Police say why did the council give you this building? You shouldn’t be operating in these premises.”

The charity has requested a safer council-owned building, where it can also run activities for job-seekers.

Prior to Christmas, BCO handed out 30 refurbished bikes to new arrivals from Afghanistan and Ukraine. It’s also provided food parcels, material aid, education and job opportunities for 2500 new arrivals.

Last year, it placed more than 100 in employment.

“All we ask for is a safe place from Greater Dandenong Council to allow us to run this work.”

Greater Dandenong mayor Eden Foster was “disappointed” to hear of the latest burglary.

“Council is working closely with the organisation.

“I will meet with Bassir and his team early next week, along with Council Officers, to see what further support we can offer them.

“We have informed our Local Laws, Cleansing and Property Liaison teams to also follow up to support the organisation.”

Cr Foster said advice has been provided to the BCO on possible security/CCTV systems. Bollards were to be installed soon.

“At this stage no alternative location has been decided upon for the organisation to move to.”