By Sahar Foladi
A motion to extend a Springvale karaoke bar’s operating hours from 1am to 4am on weekend nights was voted down by Greater Dandenong councillors.
MDM Karaoke in Balmoral Avenue says it applied to increase its hours of operation and patron limits for its business’s “viability”.
It was vocally backed by councillors Jim Memeti and Tim Dark during a heated debate between councillors on 11 April.
“This is an area which is an activity centre,” Cr Memeti said.
“We’ve been working so long to create an activity centre in Dandenong and Springvale and encourage business to operate late.
“This is also a local policy to encourage night trading. Sometimes I wonder if councillors understand what they’re voting for, that frustrates me.
“The recommendations speak for themselves. I’ve never seen 29 recommendations on an application.
“This business will need to comply with all of the 29 recommendations.”
According to Cr Memeti, Victoria Police were also briefed on this motion and there were no immediate response or objections from them.
“The Police didn’t even bother to respond after our council requested them to make a comment. We need to give these businesses a fair go.”
No other business or resident formally objected.
In a 4-4 split decision, councillors voted for a compromise extension to 2am on weekend nights, with patronage up from 110 to 175 patrons.
It was decided on the casting vote of mayor Eden Foster. Councillors such as Cr Sophie Tan and Cr Sean O’Reilly opposed the 4am extension amid fears of noise for residents living nearby in apartments.
“There have been many tests done in that premises on acoustic level for any noise. There’s no noise that’ll come out from that premises,” Cr Memeti said.
While Cr O’Reilly argued, “I would love for there to be no issues if they were allowed to go up till 4am but the councillors can’t guarantee that.
“There are residents right across the road. Let’s not risk our resident’s amenity.”
He also mentioned if operating hours till 2am ran smoothly with no complaints from residents, the business could request an extension to 4am.
However, Cr Memeti didn’t agree that was a fair call as “a lot of businesses are closing down” already.
“It’s a difficult time. There are lots of businesses going into the wall at the moment.”
In an email sent to councillors on Monday 10 April, MDM Karaoke owner Duong Minh Do said opting for a 2am closing time would “have a very big impact on our business viability.”
“More importantly, it is very unfair to ask us to accept a lesser time now and apply in a year or more to extend further.
“Another costly application will add further barriers to the ongoing success of our business and substantial consultant and third party report costs, in a time of economic hardship and instability.”
Mr Do stated the council wanted Springvale to transform into a “strong and vibrant night-time economy” but planning officers wanted this to occur “incrementally”.
“There is no reference in the adopted Council policy that new night-time activities can or should only
happen ‘incrementally’.
“Given that there are nine other night-time activities occurring in the centre until 1am, we fail to understand how it is fair to say that our proposal does not represent further ‘incremental’ diverse uses.”
Upon the application dismissal, an outraged Cr Memeti was left in “disbelief” and announced a rescission motion.
“I just want the council to follow its policy. They’re giving them false hope and it’ll cost them more in the future,” Cr Memeti said.
“When we encourage businesses we need to follow our policies.”
As part of the recission motion, there is expected to be a re-vote at the next council meeting on 24 April.
It may hinge on the votes of deputy mayor Lana Formoso and Cr Loi Truong who were absent from
the initial vote.
Cr Formoso told Star Journal she’ll support a 4am extension and was sure Cr Truong would do too.
“We keep saying we want to improve the business centres in our community and that we want to assist businesses,” Cr Formoso said.
“There’s never been any issue with the karaoke bar since it opened.”