Two in mayoral contest

Former deputy mayor Sophie Tan may be running for the top job.

by Cam Lucadou-Wells

Two Labor councillors are believed to be jostling to be Greater Dandenong’s next mayor.

Lana Formoso and Sophie Tan – both who have served as deputy mayors – could be facing off at the 16 November election.

They are believed to be respectively supported by deputy mayor candidates Richard Lim and Angela Long.

Meanwhile, councillors Eden Foster and Rhonda Garad are expected to be absent – on leave due to contesting the Mulgrave state by-election two days later.

Under council rules, it means the successful mayor would have to salvage a majority of six votes from only up to nine councillors present.

Acting mayor Cr Formoso was confident she’d still snare the majority, adding that there was “nothing stopping” councillors Foster and Garad from voting.

“We want to show the community we’re working well as a council and we’re on the same page. Any sort of division is never going to be a good look.

“I’ve done quite well in the deputy mayor role and as acting mayor. I’ll see how I go – hopefully it goes the right way for me.”

If elected, Cr Formoso’s priorities include a pedestrian crossing opposite Dandenong Stadium on Stud Road and the Barry Powell Reserve upgrade.

She would also push the State Government to help fund the $100 million-plus Dandenong Oasis redevelopment.

“With the heatwave expected this summer and for summers to come, we need a place where the local community can go to in extreme heat.”

Cr Formoso was also glad that the $110-million plus rectangular sports stadium in Dandenong was back on the public agenda. It would be potentially home for Melbourne City A-League and W-League sides.

“People say what a benefit that it could be. Give us a stadium and we’ll see how many sporting events and clubs we could get.”

She endorsed Cr Lim as a first-time deputy mayor.

“He’s the hardest working councillor I’ve known. I think he’s deserving.

“It’s time for new blood.”

Three-time mayor Angela Long said she’d support Cr Tan “if she puts her hand up”.

Cr Tan had served as deputy during Cr Long’s mayoralty in 2020-‘21.

“I think she has done more than her time,” Cr Long said.

“She wanted to be mayor before. She was promised by someone (that they’d vote for her) – I don’t want to say who – and they didn’t come through.

“I think she’ll be a good mayor.”

Cr Tan and Cr Lim were contacted for comment.