South East Community Link’s innovative program for Dandenong Station has received its official launch on Friday 3 November.
The outreach Community Connectors program has helped more than 1,000 passengers in three months as early results show a decrease in anti-social behaviour.
The program is the first partnership of its kind for Metro Trains and South East Community Links which supports the local area by providing two community workers at Dandenong Station from 1-5pm on weekdays.
The workers have qualifications in social work, mental health and nursing.
SECL chief executive officer, Peter McNamara said the program provides a real difference in individual lives.
“Many of the people our Community Connectors have engaged with have expressed concerns around their mental health and 80% have engaged in some form of support including referrals to services and accessing material aid like food, water, PTV vouchers and clothing.”
Minister for public and active transport, Gabrielle Williams attended the launch.
“The ‘Community Connectors’ program is playing an important role on our network to ensure passengers can more easily access support they need.”
Since August, the community workers have provided passengers with support for emergency relief, youth housing, empowerment programs, settlement services, financial counselling as well as referrals to local services for drug and alcohol, mental health, homelessness, and family violence support.
Metro station staffs are also participating in training to assist them to better understand the local community environment and support services available.
Chief executive officer of Melbourne Trains Raymond O’Flaherty said, “We are proud to partner with SECL to improve social outcomes in areas like Dandenong to provide our passengers with support and ensure they feel a part of their local community.”
The program also aims to reduce the number of anti-social behaviour and trespass incidents at and around the station.
These types of incidents remain a significant and on-going challenge on the Metro network and can regularly cause delays to train services.
Combined with Protective Services Offices and Authorised Officers, customer service staff and CCTV, early results show a 23% decrease in anti-social behaviour at Dandenong station compared to the same time last year.
The trial will continue for 12 months and, if it continues to be successful, it’s hoped the program will be expanded to other key stations on the network.