YPARC upgrade’s first stage complete

A communal living area concept for the YPARC in Dandenong.

Works on the second stage of an upgraded Youth Prevention and Recovery Care centre in Dandenong have started.

Mental Health Minister Ingrid Stitt announced the completion of five refurbished bedrooms and bigger, improved administration areas as part of the first stage of the multi-million-dollar project.

YPARC services provide 24/7 clinical care for young people aged 16-25 with mental health challenges.

A key recommendation from a state Royal Commission into the state’s mental health system, the YPARCs reduce pressure on hospitals by offering early intervention care.

“We’re giving young Victorians confidence that when they need mental health support, there are local services that will give them the tailored mental healthcare they need, close to home like this YPARC facility in Dandenong,” Ms Stitt said.

“Delivering the right support and care can be lifechanging for young people in our community – while we know there is more to do, initiatives like our YPARC services are taking us in the right direction.”

The Dandenong upgrade is being overseen by the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) in partnership with Monash Health and builder, Bowden Corporation.

Construction on the upgrade’s second stage is underway with the project on track to be completed later this year, the Government stated.

The second stage will refurbish an additional three bedrooms and improve the centre’s living, dining and interview facilities.

The Dandenong YPARC centre will remain operational while the upgrade takes place, with works planned and managed to minimise impact to consumers, staff and families.

Dandenong MP Gabrielle Williams said the service was already helping young people across Dandenong.

“I’m pleased we can support this work by providing more fit-for-purpose facilities.”