Yogurt giant plants for the future at Garfield

Travis Hatton and Rebecca Cutler (Chobani)

By Corey Everitt

Australia’s leading yogurt brand, Chobani paid a visit to Garfield last week for a planting day at the Lovers Lane conservation project.

Employees at the Dandenong South factory may be busy satisfying the 2.3 million Australians who enjoy the brand’s yogurt, but they still had a spare day on Tuesday 30 July to help with planting efforts in Garfield.

The project on Lovers Lane is run by Cannibal Creek Landcare Group (CCL), it aims to revegetate the five-acre property into a haven for local fauna including the endangered Southern Brown Bandicoot.

The day saw 1300 plants go in the ground, Pam Cunningham from CCL said that was a new record and Chobani’s contribution was a ‘sterling effort’.

“They were amazed there was a place called Lovers Lane and that we were called Cannibal Creek,” Pam said

“They were really hard-working people and very very friendly, they do a lot of these environmental projects and we hope they come back next year.”

Special thanks went to Garfield’s Brewsters Foodstore & Cafe for providing morning tea and lunch, as well as John’s Christmas Trees in Drouin who donated 750 of the trees that were planted.