Meet the Greater Dandenong Council election candidates – Yarraman Ward

I Cook Foods owner Ian Cook is standing in Yarraman Ward. (Supplied)


Suburbs: parts of Noble Park and Dandenong West, including Yarraman railway station precinct

Sitting councillor: Phillip Danh (Australian Labor Party), elected March 2024

Other candidates: Ian Cook



Suburb of residence:

Dandenong and I have owned factories and worked in the area for over 30 years.

How long have you lived in Greater Dandenong? 10 years

Political party (past or present): I have never been a member of any political party.

Occupation, business/employer name: I am in the food industry and self-employed.

Property interests:

I own a modest home in Adelaide Street and have had to sell my factory to pay for my legal bills and honour my financial commitments to my former staff.

Business interests:

I have no current business interests since my company I Cook Foods was destroyed by Council.

Three most important issues for your ward:

1. We need to ensure that the rates collected in Yarraman Ward are only spent on improving facilities and council services which benefit residents.

2. In these tough economic times, it’s crucial for Dandenong Council to curb unnecessary spending, in order to allow for a reduction in rates. This would provide relief to both homeowners and renters alike.

3. We must also address concerns about potential corruption in the Council, by ensuring full transparency and accountability around the use of ratepayers money.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

As a business owner, I have always employed locals and actively helped people with disabilities to secure employment. In the past, I have worked closely with Wallara and Emerson School.

Why are you standing for election?

I am currently running a campaign to shine a light on corruption and to reduce wasteful spending by council.

What is your campaign budget?

My campaign budget is incredibly modest. I am relying on word on mouth and hoping people know what I stand for. I have been preparing an information flyer, posters, and other election materials, and am relying on volunteers wherever possible.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

At this time, I have no campaign donors and am currently self-funding my election campaign.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

I have not sought advice from any politicians or councillors.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

With only two candidates running for Yarraman, preferences will not be a factor.

It will come down to who receives the largest primary vote.

I am hoping presidents will VOTE #1 for Ian Cook. I am dedicated to lowering rates, cutting council spending, ending council corruption, and ensuring that any new graffiti is removed within 24 hours of being reported. That’s because a clean Yarraman is a safe Yarraman.


How long have you lived in Greater Dandenong? My entire life I have lived in Noble Park.

Political party (past or present): I am a proud Labor member with true Labor values, but am not endorsed and am running independently.

Occupation, business/employer name: Councillor, Yarraman Ward, and final year law student at Monash University.

Property interests: NIL

Business interests: NIL

Three most important issues for your ward:

– Oppose privatisation of Council services including Home and Aged Care for seniors. These essential services must stay in public hands to ensure that Seniors in our community continue to receive safe and high-quality care.

– Safety remains a serious concern for many in our community. I will continue what I started and work with council officers and local police to keep our community safe. Council must be committed to support local businesses and jobs to ensure our youth are meaningfully engaged. Investment in services for families, sporting clubs and volunteer community groups are also just as important for the next generation to gain skills and employment.

– Ensuring basic services like rubbish clean up, road repairs, street lighting and graffiti removal in Noble Park and Dandenong West is important. Ratepayers money should be spent wisely to ensure basic local amenities are adequate for community health and wellbeing, and not wasted.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

Others may be, but I’m not in this for myself. For years I’ve been genuinely engaged with our local community, multicultural and sporting organisations across Noble Park and Dandenong West. I have spoken personally to thousands of voters on their doorsteps this past year, listening to residents’ concerns and helping to fix problems. I am proud of our area and will always take the role seriously and act in the interests of the community, not myself.

Why are you standing for election?

Giving back and caring about other people is how I’ve been raised by my parents. I have always been drawn to community service and serving as our Councillor this year has been an immense privilege. I take pride in advocating on people’s behalf and helping to resolve complex local problems.

Fresh and energetic voices are needed and not the same old tired negativity and whinging.

What is your campaign budget?

A few thousand dollars, however much people can spare.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

Small donations from friends and family over the next month. I am grateful for their contributions given that many are doing it tough at the moment. All donations will be disclosed as required by electoral laws.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

Former Councillor and Mayor Roz Blades has been an important mentor. I am grateful for her assistance and I admire her passion in advocating for our community even after she retired from public office.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

There are only 2 candidates. I’m asking for residents to Vote [1] Phillip Danh and to put a [2] in the other box.