Just the cure for Greater Dandenong senioritis


AS warmer weather, bluer skies, and the songs of birds herald the spring, the young at heart can step out and have a blast.

Well, Senior Citizens Week is coming up and Greater Dandenong Council is plotting a packed program to celebrate. Mark October 8-12 on your calendar for some fun, fitness and food.

There’s a plethora of things on the checklist: For foodies, it’s a treat from the melting pot with cultural tours of central Dandenong, Springvale, Little India and the Afghan Bazaar.

On a more serious note, the Council for the Ageing will give a presentation on how to manage your medicines.

Waltz back in time at an afternoon dance held by Keysborough Senior Citizens or go on a tour of the historical gardens at Heritage Hill .

An informative ‘meet your mobile’ workshop is sure to push your buttons. There’s even one on laughter therapy. Seniors Week is, after all, about the fun!

For details, call the council on 9239 5100 or visit greaterdandenong.com.

Warm applause for Mel

When Mel Chappel was called to the dais earlier this month, he was given a great ovation by fellow firefighters, family members and guests.

And rightly so — the 56 year old was named the brigade’s firefighter of the year at the Dandenong fire brigade’s 118th annual dinner.

He’s the secretary of the social committee and has been a volunteer firefighter since 1985. He is also heavily involved with the track team and pounds the paths at Booth Reserve twice a week.

The fireman-of-the-year trophy is not a new accolade to him — he’s won awards on several occasions. Mr Chappel is also a life member of the CFA rescue association, and along with fellow firefighters has helped save many lives.

Even in his workaday life he can’t escape the connection with fires — he works as a service technician with a company offering fire protection services.

And the call of duty seems to run in th family. John — the brother of Mr Chappel’s partner, Julie Cornell — has also won numerous brigade trophies.

When ‘treasures’ shine

Greater dandenong mayor Youhorn Chea has issued invitations for Living Treasures of the city to attend the annual dinner held in their honour.

This year’s soiree is at 6pm on Wednesday in at the council’s Springvale offices in Springvale Road. It’s always an event much anticipated by our ‘treasures’ and their partners.

Do you have a milestone, memory or question for Marg? Email marg@your weekly.com.au or post submissions to A Moment with Marg, c/o Greater Dandenong Weekly, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175.


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