Endeavour Hills stadium closure worry


SCHOOL principal Barbara Mothersdale is calling on Casey Council to maintain a basketball gymnasium at the soon-to-be closed Endeavour Hills Secondary College.

Afghan social sports teams, basketball and karate clubs and a primary school use the stadium at the Endeavour Hills college.

Ms Mothersdale worries the well-used “community facility” would be lost when she “hands over the keys” and the school closes on December 7. She said the council had so far declined to purchase the stadium, given the money needed to repair it.

Kathy Sharp, principal of nearby James Cook Primary School, said her school had little space on its three-tier block for an indoor sports venue.

She said the school depended on the stadium, the only such venue within walking distance. “It’s a great resource for the community. The danger is if it sits idle, it increases the risk of vandals and squatters. People will misuse and abuse it.”

Last December, councillors Shar Balmes and Bev Hastie moved for the council to investigate future possible site uses including acquiring the stadium.

Casey chief executive Mike Tyler last week said the stadium was owned by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and had been open for the community in a “joint use agreement”. “Inquiries about the building should be referred to DEECD,” Mr Tyler said.

Cr Balmes said the council had queried the department about the site’s future but had “no say” in its fate.

An education department spokesman said it was assessing the use of the basketball court and was aware community groups and schools used the stadium. “No decision has been made at this stage about the use of the facility next year.”

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