Braving the $2 ghostly affair


‘TIS the season for dramas and pantomimes, and Noble Park Secondary College set the stage early with special effects that tingled a few spines.

It was Halloween and the school’s Redback Theatre group transformed the drama room into a haunted house. The idea was hatched by drama co-ordinator Scott Caughey.

It evoked the presence of the drama room’s ‘resident ghost’ Billy Bobbins. The story goes that Billy was fatally bitten by a spider, leaving his acting dreams unfulfilled. Now he whiles away the hours by toying around with arc lights and rustling the curtains.

The haunted house was opened to visitors, who for $2 found themselves in a dark maze with grotesque images dancing on the wall and lightning flashes enhancing the terrors of zombies grasping at them from corners.

“The response from those brave enough to enter was fantastic,” Mr Caughey said.

“The terrified expressions on their faces were almost as entertaining as the spectacle inside. It’s raised money for our group and is likely to become an annual event.”

Cornerstone of Christmas spirit

Birds are nesting, spring flowers are gracing our homes, and parks are festooned with flowers.

And the visitors to Dandenong’s Cornerstone Drop-in Centre are cheered by spring’s graces.

“There’s something about spring that seems to make people a bit happier than usual, and at Cornerstone we have much to thank God for,” says co-ordinator Pastor Don Cameron.

The centre has had a new kitchen sink and cabinets installed and more volunteers stand by to make people feel welcome at free lunches.

And two ladies wandered in to donate homemade blankets after hearing about the centre on Channel 10’s news.

VCAL students from secondary schools have been helping in the kitchen and storeroom and chatting with lonely people who come in off the street.

Mr Cameron said Jordan, of Dandenong High School, was a frequent helper and noted it was pleasing when former student-volunteers returned.

ANZ staff helped serve lunch and gave Cornerstone a donation that covered the cost of meals for two lunch-times.

Then the staff of Daniels Corporation made another of their visits to help with lunchtime chores. Mr Cameron thanked the Rotary Club of Dandenong East, Rowville Baptist Church Sunday school, Australian Taxation Office staff and other groups that had bought swags for homeless people.

Footnote: If Dandenong Journal readers can help Cornerstone in any way, call Don Cameron on 0415 888 528. For other inquiries, call 9754 5654.

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