People power win against Dandenong three-storey flats


A PEOPLE power campaign against three-storey apartments in a predominantly one-storey residential street of Dandenong has won support from Greater Dandenong Council.

Neighbours to the proposed 12-apartment building at 30 MacPherson Street have claimed it is incompatible to the precinct’s character. A number of historic homes are nearby.

Council officers and councillors agreed, rejecting the proponent’s planning application on Monday last week.

The site is in a residential 2 zone, and if the council had approved the proposal, neighbours would have had no rights of appeal.

However, the developer may yet appeal against the council’s decision to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Cheryl McCoy, a neighbour, said she would like to think “people power” might send a message to prospective developers in the street.

“It’s a bit like [the film] The Castle. Soon after we came here we learnt about the history and how it was such a nice street. If the development had gone through, we’d move.

“I know there’s going to be development in Dandenong but keep it in other areas like around that estate in Cheltenham Road.”

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