Noble Park: Quick-thinking kids put out fire with soft drink

A GROUP of quick-thinking children used leftover soft drink to extinguish a small fire in Noble Park yesterday.

Police have praised the youngsters who smelled smoke, located the fire and then called triple-O before making an attempt to put it out.

It is believed two teenagers were seen shortly after 9pm in the grounds of a disused school in Athol Road, and reached through a small steel gate to light a fire on a chair.

The group of children couldn’t access water but found discarded soft drink containers in nearby rubbish bins and used leftover drink to put out the fire.

Dandenong crime investigation unit detectives are investigating the incident and want to speak to the two teenagers seen in the area.

The pair are believed to be about 16 years old and were seen riding a red BMX bike. One youth is described as being of African appearance, and the other of Asian appearance.

Anyone with information about the fire or the teenagers seen in the area is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit