Letters to the Editor: Dandenong Your Say

Re: Kalyan Ky breastfeed case

Good for you, Kalyan. This should make David Koch sit up and take notice.

Mollysheepdog (via web)

Full disclosure on donations

As a recent [council election] candidate I’m aware that all candidates, whether successful or not, must submit a ‘campaign donations return’ form within 40 days of the election. A campaign donation valued at $500 or more is an ‘applicable gift’. Receipt of an applicable gift can mean that you have a conflict of interest.

If transparency is to be taken seriously it would be a good idea for the Victorian Electoral Commission to consider capping the amount of money candidates — or political parties or interest groups — can spend on the campaign. The disparity that prevails makes contesting an unequitable process and does nothing to encourage and empower a wide diversity of people to stand in the elections.

Any and every amount equivalent to the nomination fee and above must be declared. Importantly, political parties and other entities should technically be allowed to support and endorse only as many candidates as there are vacancies. This would remove the scourge of having running mates to manipulate the final outcome of the preferential system.

If these reforms are made legislation, this would help to advance local government, achieve better transparency and improve the quality of good governance.

Geraldine Gonsalvez, candidate in the 2012 Greater Dandenong Council election

VCAT fees hike

The recent decision by the state government to raise Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal fees to lodge an objection to a proposed development is a very disappointing one for residents trying to oppose inappropriate development.

Using increased costs is a poor excuse — too often a user-pays approach results in reducing the rights of community members who cannot afford to pay the higher costs that result. In Greater Dandenong, there are many residents who, although they may be ‘asset rich’, are income poor. To cope with such a VCAT fee hike, they would need to sell the very property they are trying to continue to enjoy living in.

Matthew Kirwan, councillor for Red Gum Ward

What do you think? Post a comment below.

The Journal welcomes letters no longer than 250 words. All letters are subject to editing and must include a name, address and phone number. Post: The Editor, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175, or email eastvoice@yourweekly.com.au. 

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