Stay-at-home voters targeted


GREATER Dandenong Council could stand to make more than $700,000 from last year’s council election, with more than 10,000 people facing possible fines after failing to vote.

The Victorian Electoral Commission has sent out notices seeking explanations as to why residents failed to vote.

Individuals are advised not to ignore the notice as failure to reply or provide a valid excuse for not voting could lead to a $70 fine.

Voting in the elections was compulsory for voters enrolled on the electoral roll on August 31 last year.

More than 103,000 people were enrolled to vote in Greater Dandenong, with more than 65,000 attending polling booths.

More than 478,000 people in Victoria will receive the notice and the possible fines are collected by the VEC, with the money going to their respective councils. People over the age of 70 are excused from voting in council elections.

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