THE ALP’s endorsed candidate for next month’s Lyndhurst byelection will not fight for the removal of the state’s only hazardous waste landfill.
Martin Pakula, who currently holds a Western Metropolitan upper house seat, said “the easiest thing in the world would be to make promises in a byelection campaign for the removal of the tip”.
“All political parties have to be careful not to say things that drive down property values and the security of where people live, unless they have alternatives that they can offer,” he said.
Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews, who launched Mr Pakula’s campaign last week, said people in the electorate were most concerned about TAFE cuts and fee rises, hospital waiting lists and their own job security.
But Ray Tormey, who lives about one kilometre from the Lyndhurst landfill, will only be satisfied with the tip’s shutdown.
He feels let down by both major parties: Labor for moving grades B and C toxic waste to Lyndhurst when in government in 2007 and the Liberals for not only retaining the site but adding grade A hazardous soils in the mix in 2011.
The ALP, including Mr Pakula, voted in support of the latter move. Mr Tormey said he had “horrible” respiratory problems since moving in halfway between the Taylors Road and Hallam Road landfills. “I’ve nearly passed out in the car driving around here.”
He said it would be “horrific” once the most hazardous-grade soil is treated at the Taylors Road tip. “There’ll be this tall chimney spewing up stuff . It’ll end up wherever the wind blows.”
The Liberal Party is not expected to field a candidate in the byelection. A spokesman for Environment Minister Ryan Smith said there were no plans to move the Lyndhurst toxic waste dump in the short term.
Greens candidate Nina Springle said she would like to see the landfill closed within five years but not necessarily moved near “someone else’s backyard”.
Independent candidate Hung Vo also supports the tip’s closure.
Residents Against Toxic Waste in the South East is holding a candidate forum on the issue at Arthur Wren Hall in Stuart Avenue, Hampton Park, on April 17 at 7.30pm.
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