Beatboxing, basketball tricks, breakdancing – hey, it's the circus

Positive spin: Rashaun Daniels whirls basketballs at Dandenong Plaza on Monday. Picture: Sam Stiglec


VIDEO: As with any other circus, the shows start with a drum roll. But add in elements such as high-pitched beatboxing, whirling basketball tricks and scything break dance moves — this is 360 Allstars, a circus that not many in Greater Dandenong have seen. 

This week, free shows have been wowing crowds at Dandenong Plaza, Dandenong Market and Multicultural Place.

On Monday, shoppers’ smartphones were recording the spectacle of break dancers B-Boy Physicx and B-Boy Leerok polishing the marble floor with their spinning heads and basketball freestyler Rashaun Daniels effortlessly controlling two balls orbiting around him.

Gene Peterson, an Australian champion drummer backing the show with his beats, assembled the international cast — which also includes world champion BMX flatlander Peter Sore, Roue Cyr wheel exponent Rhys Miller and beatboxer-rapper Sam Perry.

‘‘What I set out to do is reinvent the circus,’’ Peterson told the Journal. ‘‘Instead of acrobats we have break dancers, our juggler is a basketball freestyler and our unicyclist is a BMX rider.’’

This week, the circus performers are teaching their tricks to local youths in free workshops. As Peterson puts it, ‘‘it’s a rare opportunity to work with the best in the world in each artform.’’

Two weeks into a national tour, the circus will afterwards trek Europe. It has had interest from venues in North America and Asia.

‘‘We’re breaking down the borders. We’ve got people from the UK, US, Asia, New Zealand and Australia in our show — each of them is the best of the best in what they do.’’

The circus will also hold $10 shows at The Drum theatre on Friday and Saturday at 7.30pm. Bookings: or 97716666.

To book for 360 Allstars workshops, call Y-Stop on 97932155.