Lyndhurst byelection: where candidates stand on transport



The Journal asked Lyndhurst candidates about public transport ahead of April 27’s state byelection.


We deserve a modern, well planned, fully integrated public transport system. I would push for 24 hour train services on weekends; and extended bus services throughout the growing suburbs. Both ALP and Liberal state governments have neglected to provide the necessary integration of bus and train services, needed by families and businesses in our fast growing area. 

The proposed grade separation of the rail crossing at Springvale Road has dragged on for too long. I would work to ensure the project begins as soon as possible and is completed with a minimum of disruption. Grade separation of the rail crossing at Heatherton Road, Noble Park should then immediately follow. 

An upgrade of signals between Caulfield and Oakleigh would allow greater frequency of services along the Pakenham/Cranbourne lines and duplication of the Cranbourne line between Dandenong and Lynbrook must be completed by 2016.

HUNG VO, Independent

The train and the bus systems are always the biggest public transport issue in the electorate of Lyndhurst. But first, I believe we need to consult the community to understand their views about the train and the bus systems. The Lyndhurst population is expanding in line with the wider population, and therefore, we need to upgrade and extend the railway and bus systems to meet our growing needs. We also need to continue upgrading railway crossing, by put underground or  bridges to avoid dangerous intersections. This is the only way to save lives and  reduce road congestion.


Issue: Lack of public transport services

Plan: Buses that run frequently and fast, with direct routes between shops, schools and train stations. Buses that run later at night to get people home from the station. The Greens would also advocate for a freeze on public transport fares.


Along with the reliability of the Dandenong / Cranbourne / Pakenham line, the availability of parking spaces at train stations in and around Lyndhurst is an ongoing issue. The former Government’s Victorian Transport Plan expanded car parks across the train network by adding 2500 spaces. As a former Transport Minister, I funded an additional 350 spaces at Merinda Park station. 

Unfortunately the Baillieu / Napthine Government axed the Victorian Transport Plan, but there is much to be done in maintaining the pressure on the State Liberal Government to provide more station parking.

Bus services should not be forgotten, particularly with the number of new housing estates now nearing full occupancy, but buses cannot function effectively without the area’s roads being upgraded, particularly at the Lynbrook / Lyndhurst end of the electorate.

GERALDINE GONSALVEZ, Democratic Labor Party

■ I will work to connect the newly established developments both business and residential with each other & with the older established areas of the District with improved & increased Connectivity and frequency of public transport as well as better the access to road, rail bus and mini bus options for factories & business. 

■   I’d like to see Lyndhurst become more bicycle, two wheeler and pedestrian friendly with a wider net work of dedicated well lit paths and tracks.

■   For the long term I’d like to see new light rail options be included in the planning mix.

■   I would also like to encourage better incentives for the shift to clean fuel.      

■   I will work with the local councils and Vic roads to enable proper planning treatments, traffic lights etc. to eliminate existing black spots, rat runs and dangerous road & rail crossings. 

■   I’d like to increase more smart bus and rail options. 


Ensure that new bus routes are opened to include all new estates including Keysborough South and take in the industrial areas of Dandenong South. There should be better connections to the train timetables, particularly later at night. 

* Candidates Bobby Singh and David Linaker (independents) did not respond.