Road blitz catches 103 speeders


More than 200 offences, including 103 speeding drivers, were detected in a police blitz on the South East’s major arterial.

Operation Hammerhead targeted speeding on the Monash Freeway, Princes Highway, and surrounding roads over two nights on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 July.

Seventy-three of the speeding drivers were detected travelling between 10km/h and 25km/h over the speed limit during the State Highway Patrol’s blitz.

A further 28 drivers were caught at high speeds of 25km/h or more over the speed limit.

Six motorists were caught drink driving from 166 preliminary breath tests and a further seven drug drivers from 87 roadside drug tests.

Other offences detected during the operation included 13 disqualified/suspended/unlicensed drivers, eight disobey traffic signs/signals, seven vehicle impoundments and three mobile phone infringements.

A total of 230 offences were detected.

“Speeding drivers on Melbourne’s major freeways and highways pose a significant risk to themselves and other road users – particularly those choosing to travel at excessively high speeds,” Road Policing Operations and Investigations Division Superintendent, John Fitzpatrick said.

“It is evident these drivers have a blatant disregard for the road rules and the safety of others.

“State Highway Patrol will continue to run operations like Hammerhead to ensure we are catching and removing these dangerous drivers from our roads.”

Supt Fitzpatrick said speeding was a major contributor to serious injury and fatal collisions this year.

“The likelihood of being involved in a collision increases significantly when travelling at higher speeds.

“We need people to slow down and adhere to the speed limits, and those that do not will be held to account.”