World’s monks converge at Springvale South

The Cambodian Buddhist Sangha Congress assemble at Wat Buddharangsi temple.

Senior Buddhist monks from across the world gathered at Wat Buddharangsi Melbourne temple in Springvale South this month.

Cambodian Buddhist Monk Council of Australia and New Zealand (CABMCANZ) president Sovann Srey said the monks discussed the faith’s rich traditions and spiritual teachings at the 29th Annual Cambodian Buddhist Sangha Congress on 11-12 January.

“It is of great importance to engage in discussions, meditations, teachings, and practices that promote understanding, tolerance, and harmony within the community.”

Greater Dandenong mayor Jim Memeti opened the congress, presenting appreciation certificates to Sovann Srey, Wat Buddharangsi abbot Sudhep Nan, Cambodian Buddhist Association of Victorian president Ol Sam and public relations manager Thayhorn Yim.

“Thank you for sharing your Buddhist beliefs, the ancestral stories passed down through generations, and the spiritual teachings that continue to shape your families and extended communities today,” Cr Memeti said.

“I can assure you that you are having a meaningful impact on the world around you.”