March Forward
This International Women’s Day, celebrate the power of multicultural women’s voices and the crucial role that transport plays in shaping independent lives. Guest speakers Transport Minister Gabrielle Williams, Mulgrave MP Eden Foster with MC Candy Bowers. Hosted by South East Community Links and Metro Trains Melbourne. Morning tea provided.
– Friday 7 March 11am-12pm at Harmony Square, Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. Free event. Details: or 9546 5255
Career and Support Expo
Looking for a job? Find out about available services at Career and Support Expo, which brings together community and service organisations into the one place. Find the right support in your language, or information on living and working in Australia. Speak to an expert on financial information or chat with someone about health and wellbeing, housing, job readiness, job training, pathways and education.
– Wednesday 5 March, 10.30am-1pm at Dandenong Civic Centre, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. Free event, registrations essential at Details: GameChange, 8571 1000 or
International Womens Day breakfast
Join Killester College for a free International Women’s Day Breakfast . If you wish, a donation towards the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project would be greatly appreciated.
– Friday 7 March, 6.45am (for a 7am start) -8.30am at Springvale Town Hall, 5 Hillcrest Grove, Springvale. Free event, registrations essential at Details: Killester College, 9547 5000 or
Lexington Gardens Retirement Village Market Day
Indoor market offers homemade baked goods, jams and relishes, jewellery, knitwear, wooden toys made by our own men’s shed, handstitched items, bags and purses and more. This market day will have Easter and Mother’s Day specific gifts. Some stalls are cash-only. Enter via reception.
– Friday 7 March,10am-1pm at Lexington Gardens, 114 Westall Road, Springvale. Free entry.
Bike maintenance workshop
Come join us for a hands-on workshop on how to take care of your bike, including basic repairs, tyre maintenance and chain lubrication. Each ticket is per bike and multiple people can attend to learn how to care for bikes.
– Saturday 8 March, 1pm-3pm at Springvale Community Hub, 5 Hillcrest Grove, Springvale. Free event. Register at
Clothes swap
Community members are invited to contribute up to 10 items of clothing, shoes and/or accessories. All items must be clean, in good condition and ready to display on the day.
– Saturday 8 March, 1pm-3pm at Springvale Community Hub, 5 Hillcrest Grove, Springvale. Free event. Details: Zoe,
Cranbourne Senior Citizens Club market
Saturday Indoor Market Large variety of stalls.
– Saturday 8 March 8am-2pm at 1 Codrington St, Cranbourne .Stall holder enquiries welcome, $10 per table, places are limited. Details: For Marilyn, 0432 107 590.
The Dreaming Project
Walker Street Gallery invites you to participate in a hands-on workshop to help create a living, evolving artwork inspired by the Dandenong Creek. Your insights and creations will help shape the upcoming Confluence exhibition on Saturday 25 March.
– Saturday 15 March, 10am-4pm at Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre, cnr Walker and Robinson streets, Dandenong. Free event. Registrations required at
Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve open day
Take a ranger-guided or self-guided tour along the Nature Trail following the interpretive signage that meanders through stunning bushland. Bring some food and enjoy the picnic facilities in a beautiful natural environment. For all ages.
– Sunday 16 March 10am-5pm at Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve, Mackay Street, Springvale South. Free event. No bookings required.
Bring Your Bills Springvale
Get free help and advice on fines, bills, mortgages and loans, utilities, tenancy, concessions. This drop-in event is presented by South East Community Links. No money is paid towards your bills.
– Tuesday 18 March, 10.30am-3pm at Springvale City Hall, 18 Grace Park Avenue, Springvale. Free event.
Harmony Week forum
Join us for an inspiring conversation over morning tea. Our keynote speaker, Jana Favero, deputy CEO of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, will lead a dynamic Community Panel including Greater Dandenong Community Advocacy coordinator Peter Johnstone and Australian Federal Police community liaison officer Anisa Sharif. Ticket registration closes 13 March.
– Thursday, 20 March, 9.20am-12pm at The Chamber Room, 1/39 Clow Street Dandenong; $35pp, Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network members and concession $25. Details:
Neighbourhood Watch
Greater Dandenong Neighbourhood Watch hosts its first public forum for 2025 with guest speaker Sergeant Jerome Ithier from Greater Dandenong Highway Patrol.
– Wednesday 26 March 7.30pm (doors open 7pm) at Paddy O`Doughue Centre, 18 Buckley St Noble Park.
Multicultural Anxiety Support Group
Inclusive and confidential space for people of varying ethnic and cultural backgrounds who experience persistent anxiety. Regular meetings held online on Zoom, with friendly volunteers.
– First Monday of each month, 6pm-7.30pm. Free event, register at
Come and Try Badminton
Join us for a fun and social badminton session. All equipment and coaching will be provided. Wear comfortable clothing and don’t forget to bring a drink bottle. For all ages and abilities.
– Mondays 17, 24, 31 March, 7pm-8pm at Springers Leisure Centre, 400 Cheltenham Rd, Keysborough. Free event. Registration required at
Noble Park Public Hall centenary
Celebrate 100 years of the residents-owned Noble Park Public Hall from 2-6 April. The official ceremony includes singing from One Voice Choir, a Ukrainian community choir and the cutting of a birthday cake.
– Ceremony at Noble Park Public Hall, Buckley Street on Saturday 5 April 1pm-2pm. Refreshments, including gourmet coffee, hot chocolate and Dingley CWA food, for sale from 10-2pm. History display is open Wednesday 2 April-Saturday 5 April 10am-4pm and Sunday 6 April 10am-12pm.
Dawn Lois Dancing School reunion
The Dawn Lois Dancing School is staging a reunion to coincide with Noble Park Public Hall’s centenary celebration.
– Saturday 5 April from 10.30am at Paddy O’Donohue Centre, Buckley Street.
Homeschool Enrichment Class
This class is designed to provide additional learning experiences outside of the standard homeschooling curriculum, with a focus on specific subjects and skills.
– Tuesdays 11.30am-1pm at Noble Park Community Centre, Memorial Drive, Noble Park; $5/session.
Citizenship Test Preparation
We will help you to improve your English and understand the questions and answers in the citizenship test.
– Thursdays 6.30pm-8.30pm at Noble Park Community Centre, Memorial Drive, Noble Park; $20/term.
9 by 5 exhibition
Artists from around Australia present their creativity on panels measuring nine inches by five inches in a wide variety of styles.
– Mondays-Fridays until 5 May, 10am-4pm (and select Saturdays 8 March, 22 March and 5 April, 10.30am-2.30pm) at Drum Theatre, corner Walker and Lonsdale streets, Dandenong. Free event.
Dandenong U3A
Dandenong U3A will begins a new year of sessions in February. U3A is a group with various activities for Seniors looking for entertainment of various types and friendship. At present we are running 33 sessions with the possibility of more to be offered as the year goes on. We use three different venues around Greater Dandenong. Enquiries: or 0494 018 356. Details:
“WE” – Women’s Empowerment Workshops
Developed for disadvantaged women in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities in Dandenong. The workshops are designed to enhance social cohesion and self-advocacy in a fun and supportive environment. Topics around personal welbeing such as fitness, nutrition, finance, mindfulness, and creative art.
– Wednesdays 10.30am-12.30pm at Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, 18-34 Buckley Street, Noble Park. Free event. Details: Rachel, 0491 144 836 or
Register at
Conversation Corner
The Conversation Corner is a safe space to share stories and build new connections. Anyone is welcome to join, no bookings required, and newcomers are welcome anytime.
– Wednesdays 1pm at Noble Park Community Centre, Memorial Drive. Free event.
All Abilities Garden
Become a part of the team that cultivates our brand new All Abilities Garden. You will plan, grow, and take care of the wonderful garden designed by members of the disability community for people of all abilities.
– Tuesdays 1pm at Noble Park Community Centre, Memorial Drive. Free event.
We Built This City
Come and see stories behind Greater Dandenong’s favourite heritage places through short videos, historic objects, photographs and oral histories from Council and local historical society collections.
– Wednesdays and Thursdays (excluding public holidays) until 18 May 2025 at Benga, Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens, 66 McCrae Street, Dandenong. Free event.
Sandown Probus
Are you retired or semi-retired and would like to stay engaged and connected with others? Come along and see if you would like to join Sandown Probus Club. Enjoy the opportunity to make new friends, expand your interests, participate in the variety of activities and hear guest speakers on a wide range of subjects.
– 2nd Monday of each month at Club Noble, Moodemere Street, Noble Park. Details: or Marion, 0458 660 016.
Soccer registrations open
Expressions of interest open for new players across all age groups at Springvale City Soccer Club – Miniroos 7-12, Juniors 13-16, Boys and Girls Youth 17-23, as well as mens and womens’ thirds, reserves and seniors. Miniroos and juniors training powered by No Limits Aquila Academy. Details:
Come Dance with Me – Line Dancing
Come along and learn tips and techniques to this line dancing activity. Learn it well and learn from scratch from patient instructor. Suitable and tailored for all ages. No partner necessary. Wear casual clothing, bring water bottle, closed shoes and positive attitude.
– Tuesdays from 5.45pm-6.30pm (school terms only) at Springers Leisure Centre, 400 Cheltenham Road, Keysborough; $10 prepaid classes / $15 casual attendance – a five-week package that can be repeated. Details: 0412 296 827 or
Noble Park Probus
A warm invitation is extended to anyone in the local community who is aged 55 and over, not working full time to visit us with a view to becoming a member at Noble Park Combined Probus Club. Meets monthly for morning tea and an interesting guest speaker. Also special lunches, day trips and extended trips such as to Bright. We make sure we promote the Probus core values of ’Friendship, fellowship and fun’.
– first Monday of the month, 10am at Club Noble. Details: Roslyn, or 0410628249.
Dandenong senior activities
Dandenong over 60’s Club (but over 50s are welcome). Join us for fun and games.
– Mondays 1pm-4pm (except public holidays) at The Dandenong Club, cnr Stud and Heatherton roads. Details: Carol, 0431 755 466
Senior activities Keysborough
Keysborough & District Multicultural Senior Citizens Inc is an over 55s club with bingo on first, second and fourth Tuesday of the month ($3 entry and $1.50 per bingo book), live concerts with professional entertainers on third and fifth Tuesday of the month, line dancing on Wednesdays ($3 entry), Thursday ballroom dancing lessons (12.30pm-1pm) and ballroom dancing (1pm-3pm, $3 entry).
– 1pm-3pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Rowley Allan Reserve 352 Cheltenham Road Keysborough. Tea and coffee provided. Details: Julie, 0428 561 694.
Adult Exercise
Improve fitness and energy levels for good health and wellbeing at this adult exercise group class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is a self-paced, gentle aerobics class suitable for all levels.
– Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am at Jan Wilson Community Centre, Halton Road, Noble Park North; $5 per session. No registrations required. Details: 8571 1436 or
Fun for retirees
New members from Dandenong North and Noble Park are sought by the Waverley Gardens Combined Probus Club. In addition to other activities, club members also meet for coffee & listen to a guest speaker.
– last Tuesday of the month 9.45am-noon at Southern Community Centre, 27 Rupert Dr, Mulgrave (near Police Rd). Details: Don, 9560 6046.
Meditation and positive thinking
Learn how to make your mind your best friend through open-eyed meditation. Led by Bhavani Padmanabhan, these free sessions are open to all. Presented by Bakhtar Community Organisation and The Brahma Kumaris Organisation.
– Saturdays 2pm at 23-47 Gunns Road, Hallam. Registrations: 9703 2555 or 0403 551 596.
Weekly badminton
Adults welcome (Mondays 7pm-9pm) and ladies and retired (Wednesdays 12pm-2.30pm).
– Hallam Badminton Club, Frawley Road Recreation Reserve; $5.