Armed robbery bid foiled

POLICE thwarted one armed robbery attempt last week, but are appealing for witnesses to two others.
They intercepted and arrested a 27-year-old Frankston man exiting his car with a rag and imitation pistol outside a store in Darren Road, Springvale South, about 5pm on 4 April.
On 7 April three men armed with a knife and baseball bat, with hoods concealing their faces, demanded money at a service station on Heatherton Road in Springvale about 7.55pm.
About 3pm the following day, two men brandishing a knife and a golf club entered a milk bar on View Road, Springvale.
One was wearing a grey hoodie and the other a blue hoodie. They demanded money from the man and woman running the shop, and fled on foot. Police are reviewing video footage from the scene.
Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 with any information.