Don’t blame us for fire bill says council

COUNCIL rates notices will this year include the State Government’s Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL), which will be $141.40 for most City of Greater Dandenong residential property owners.
“We are simply the collection agency for the State Government,” the council’s corporate services director Mick Jaensch said.
“It’s not our money.”
The fee replaces the levy previously collected through insurance premiums, where the amount charged was at the company’s discretion and had stamp duty and GST on top.
The Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission said this was unfair so from 1 July funds to support Victoria’s fire services will be charged in a new way.
Residential properties will pay a fixed charge of $100 plus a variable cost based on their property’s capital improved value, listed on the rates notice.
Non-residential properties will attract a $200 fixed fee plus the variable.
In City of Greater Dandenong, most residential property owners will pay $141.40, based on a $360,000 property value.
Those with a $500,000 residential property value will pay $157.50.
There’ll be a $50 concession for eligible pensioners and veterans.
Under the old fire levy system the council itself was paying $101,400 through its insurance premiums and will now pay $261,000.