PPPs urged to help remove rail level crossings


A GREATER Dandenong councillor is calling for the state government to team up with private developers to help pay for removing problem level crossings.

Paperbark Ward councillor Peter Brown said the removal of notorious crossings like the one at Heatherton Road in Noble Park might have to be funded by developers building in and above railway stations.

“It’s the only realistic way to pay,” Cr Brown said. “It’s the only answer.”

Last December, the state government released a document that indicated moves to investigate possible stations that would be attractive for private development. 

These public-private partnerships could result in industrial land being rezoned for commercial or residential development.

Cr Brown said such developments could also provide more affordable housing for the area.

There were a number of crossings in the Dandenong area that needed attention but he acknowledged it was a statewide issue. “As a Melburnian, not just someone from Dandenong, everyone needs it. All councils need to work together and get the best outcome.”

He believed the Noble Park crossings at Heatherton and Chandler roads were some of the worst in the area.

“It’s becoming very problematic,” Cr Brown said of Heatherton Road, where he estimated boom gates were down almost 24 minutes during peak hour.

Dandenong MP John Pandazopoulos agreed with the idea of public-private partnerships helping fund grade separations.

“In principle, I don’t have a problem with it,” he said. “Obviously not all sites would be commercially viable. When it suits they should definitely look at it.”

Transport Minister Terry Mulder said there was “scope” for the private sector to contribute to infrastructure projects like grade separations and a ministerial committee was being set up to see how much investment interest there was. 

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