Letters to the Editor: Dandenong Journal

Re: Traders up in arms over parking

I was frustrated to read members of Emir Sultan Mosque portrayed as the sole contributors to parking issues for the traders at the Heatherton Road end of the Cleeland Street shopping strip.

Surely the members of the mosque can’t be the only ones flooding Cleeland Street. There are many other establishments of significant importance on the street, attracting people and creating pressure on parking availability.

I don’t see the logic in just naming the mosque as the only cause of taking up the car spaces in front of the subject shopping strip and invite council traffic officers to enforce parking restrictions in the area.

Mosque management has approached its members reminding them of restrictions in the area.Emir Sultan Mosque has a strong relationship with Greater Dandenong Council and is committed to co-operate with all other establishments on the street and support any recommendations to improve parking availability for all.

Aydin Doruk, secretary, Emir Sultan Mosque

Little discussion in council chambers

I attended my first council meeting on January 29. I was surprised the meeting lasted only two hours. I had expected it to be far longer, however if it wasn’t for questions raised by Cr Matthew Kirwan, the meeting would have been extremely short and somewhat lacking in content.

It seemed to me that all discussion of the issues, planning applications and initiatives had occurred before the meeting in the ‘briefing’, which in turn left the meeting itself merely a matter of process. It appeared that, with the exception of a few queries, matters were dealt with rather quickly, and the councillors’ role was merely to push through whatever applications were submitted.

My reason for attending the meeting was to find out the outcome on a planning application that I had objected to. What I got out of the meeting was that there was little discussion, if any, of issues brought before the council and there seemed to be little transparency.

My main issue, however, was the behaviour of some of the councillors during the meeting. It seemed that some did not appreciate others asking questions or pursuing discussion.

It is a matter of common courtesy that when anybody is speaking, then all others should show them respect and remain silent. Sniggering and talking across the room to each other while another councillor holds the floor is unacceptable and inappropriate.

Kim Reid, Dandenong North

Re: Dreyfus top law officer

As a councillor whose ward includes a substantial area in the Isaacs electorate, I personally wish to congratulate Mark Dreyfus on his appointment as federal attorney-general.

Mr Dreyfus has an outstanding legal background, is a person widely respected throughout the broader Australian community and during his term as member for Isaacs has been very supportive of Greater Dandenong Council. It must be appreciated that Mr Dreyfus was of critical importance in securing many millions of dollars of federal funding which enabled the construction of the Noble Park Aquatic Centre in partnership with the council.

We were privileged to have had Mr [Michael] Duffy represent us and now we enjoy the cabinet representation of a person as distinguished and capable as Mr Dreyfus.

Cr Peter Brown, Paperbark Ward

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