Long arm of the law



A MAN has faced court for drunkenly striking two car windscreens with a foot-scooter and injuring an elderly man during a punch-on with his twin brother in central Dandenong several years ago.
Rick Thomas Williams, 30, had been taken into custody after being picked up for the outstanding arrest warrants by Protective Services Officers on Monday.
Dandenong Magistrates’ Court was told on Monday that Williams had struck the windscreens about 9pm on 28 March 2013 as he walked along Edith Street in Dandenong.
The “highly intoxicated” Williams was detained by witnesses, and “persistently used indecent language”, prosecutor Senior Constable Fiona Davis told a court on Monday.
He was taken to police cells to sober up, the court was told.
Williams also pleaded guilty to reckless conduct causing injury, affray, breach of the peace and public drunkeness over a fight with brother Luke on Lonsdale Street, Dandenong in June 2011.
The brawl flared from an argument at The Dandy Inn.
The brothers hit each other to the head and crashed into an antique shop’s display as they moved northwards along the street.
At the shop, Williams pushed a 72-year-old male bystander to the chest, grabbed and threw him to the pavement.
The traumatised victim suffered grazes and swelling to his forehead, the court was told.
Sen Const Davis said Williams’ brother refused to be handcuffed and was hit with OC spray after turning to a police officer in a threatening manner.
Williams made full admissions while his brother was “too aggressive to be interviewed”.
When asked why he was drunk, Williams told police it was because he was walking out of a pub.
He said there was “no reason” for attacking the elderly victim.
Defence lawyer Michelle Nguyen said Williams was recovering from serious injuries after being assaulted by his twin in Canberra in March.
She said the accused had been “hit to the head with force for quite some time”, requiring brain surgery and a metal plate inserted in his head.
Doctors had told Williams he couldn’t continue to work as a diesel mechanic as a result.
Magistrate Jack Vandersteen released Williams on bail pending a community corrections order assessment on Tuesday.