Loyal Selleck joyfully celebrated 100 years with a high tea with family and friends at Monash Health Community in Springvale on 24 September.
“I suppose I just love living, I love people and I love doing things for people,” she says.
As she blew out her candles, Ms Selleck was side by side with her neighbour Pierina.
The pair have been neighbours for decades.
A keen knitter and reader, Ms Selleck keeps active with weekly outings as part of the MHC’s Friendship Group as well as creative activities with the Golden Girls Group.
At the same time, she still lives at home with her daughter Joy and son-in-law Steve. They are assisted with a home care package through MHC.
Ms Selleck started work as a seamstress in Melbourne CBD. She later continued taking private sewing commissions while raising a family near Swan Hill.
She skilfully made clothes for her children.
“Take life as it comes,” is her life motto.
“Be easy going. Don’t worry about change, just adapt.”