City of Greater Dandenong’s South East Business Networks (SEBN) program is re-launching its new breakfast series championing women in business.
On Friday 6 August, body-language specialist Dr Louise Mahler will be the keynote speaker for the Showcasing Women in Business breakfast.
The SEBN also hosts a Women in Business network group that meets regularly to explore issues across small businesses and corporations.
The group is designed for women in the workplace to support and mentor each other as well as those experiencing disadvantage and young women in the community.
The SEBN’s 2021-’22 program will explore business trends, leadership, organisational skills and encourage collaborative approaches to common issues and challenges.
The program introduces four themes – Time to Share (connection), In the Loop (communication), Go for Gold (confidence) and Out of the Box (creativity).
Details: greaterdandenong.vic.gov.au/south-east-business-networks-sebn/sebn-women-business for more information.