Crime down 19%


By Cam Lucadou-Wells

Greater Dandenong’s overall crime rate has plunged across all suburbs and age groups, according to the latest official statistics.

The per capita crime rate is the lowest in Greater Dandenong in the past decade.

Overall, the rate dropped 18.7 per cent in the April 2021-March 2022 period.

The drop exceeded the statewide decrease of 12 per cent.

According to the Crime Statistics Agency, the drops were largely driven by less Covid public health order infringements.

In Greater Dandenong, one of the heaviest Covid-fined areas, breaches dropped 83 per cent.

Some of the other biggest local drops per capita were in family violence incidents (down 8.1 per cent), which also was greater than the 2.4 per cent decrease statewide.

Also down were car theft (21.7 per cent), bike theft (27.4 per cent), burglaries (down 14.3 per cent), drug offences (25.6 per cent) and drunk and disorderly (34 per cent).

However, criminal damage was up 4.8 per cent to 1248 offences. It is the fourth most common offence in Greater Dandenong.

Also on the rise were shoplifting (up 6.9 per cent) and breach of bail orders were (up 48.5 per cent).

Breaches of family violence and intervention orders were largely unchanged per capita, as were family-violence serious assaults.

Weapon offences were also unchanged.

Victoria Police deputy commissioner Rick Nugent said it was “incredibly pleasing” that crime continued to reduce from pre-pandemic levels.

“Importantly, we are seeing a reduction in the number of victims in our community and the number of people offending, particularly in relation to youth.

“This shows our collaboration with external partners to implement early intervention initiatives is making an impact and diverting young people away from crime.”

He said it was positive to see reductions in serious crimes such as home burglaries and robberies.