Christmas timing perfect

by Reverend Father Jean Mawal from St Paul’s Antiochian Orthodox Church and Dandenong Interfaith Network President

He came at the right time, and at the right time He came.

Having just come out of what felt like a lifetime of lockdowns, finally, we get to celebrate the most joyous time of year, the Nativity of Jesus Christ, Christmas, as we have always wished and planned.

It is so joyous to hear elf radio playing in the car, streets decorated with nativity scenes, tinsel and Santa, and the illuminous lights brightening up the dark skies across the front of people’s houses shining through their windows adorning the Christmas trees, planning our family gatherings and gift buying at an all-time high.

He came at the right time, and at the right time He came.

In every year that we have had the opportunity to celebrate this feast, we are reminded and have been reminded for over 2000 years, that He came at the right time.

Our daily struggles, our pains, our weaknesses, issues in our families and communities, political problems and a world never perfected is something that has always been.

Every year the birth of Jesus is a reminder of why He came and how He lived.

His birth so humble, yet so cosmic.

Gifts presented in the cave yet fit for a king.

Simple shepherds give praise yet joining an angelic choir, a tyrant and army threatened by The Child’s presence, yet unable to silence Him.

He lived serving the other and paid the ultimate price to save the other.

His message was simple yet everlasting.

His message was His way of life, to love, unconditionally, without expecting in return, without discrimination, and selflessly, because love never fails.

In the joys of this blessed festal period, let us be reminded of the message and hope that love brings. Not just for those who love us or our family and friends, the love that Jesus taught extended even as far as our enemies.

We hope that this Christmas every soul can feel the joy of love.

He came at the right time, and at the right time He came.