Curries loud and proud

Girish, Simla and Arnaul from La Caze Mama with some of the Mauritian delicacies on offer. 270362_10 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

Have you ever met a dish of seven authentic curries?

The delicacy Sept Cari is being served by traditional Mauritian chefs at La Caze Mama for a special Mauritius Independence Day event at Dandenong Market.

They’re also set to plate up a Seychelles Creole Octopus Curry – a spicy, fragrant coconut-milk based curry with yellow rice and roti bread.

The octopus – considered to be one of the best in the Indian Ocean – is imported from Rodrigues, an outer island of Mauritus.

Many more popular Mauritian meals will be on offer, including Gateaux Napolitaine desserts.

Traditional Mauritian foods are a unique blend of African, South Asian and Euopean influences.

The day marks the anniversary of Mauritius’ independence from French colonial rule in 1968 and the formation of a republic in 1992.

The Dandenong Market celebration is hoped to become an annual event. It will include sega music and dance, kids’ water activities and spot prizes for the most “tropical loud” garments.

It is on Saturday 12 March, 10am-3pm at Dandenong Market. Free entry.