Oneness the ultimate goal

by Bill Kean from The Baha’i Community of Greater Dandenong

There is a growing realisation permeating societies the world over, that the decades ahead are set to bring with them greater challenges, the likes of which have never before been witnessed.

Yet, despite this there is an understanding that amidst the disruptions, a new kind of awareness is being felt, one that recognises the fact that we are all One species living in One home (Planet Earth) and that what affects One, affects All.

There is no doubt that we are entering a new phase in human history.

God, who leaves not his children comfortless, has guided human society through the stages of Unity of family, of tribe, of city-state, of nation building and is now steering us towards the final goal, of World Unity.

The age of maturity is upon us.

However, a harassed and ‘adolescent’ humanity is putting up resistance and thereby delaying the inevitable.

“World Order!” – the constant cry from all corners of the globe by a despairing and disheartened community, appear to be unaware, it would seem, of the fact that it can only be founded on the oneness of mankind.

“The well-being of mankind, its peace and security are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established.” (Baha’i Writings)

The attainment of any objective is dependent upon three conditions: intention, will and action. Unless these three conditions are present the goal will not be realised.

I may add that ‘Hope’, according to the definition in the Collins English Dictionary, “is a feeling of desire for something, and confidence in the possibility of its fulfillment”.

Rely then on God and let us go forward, with trust and confidence in His Divine Plan and with the lines from the poet, Robert Browning, ringing in our ears.

“God is in His Heaven – All’s right with the world!”