100 years ago
1 March 1923
Women are encroaching
Women are encroaching in a wholesale manner on what has hitherto been looked upon as man’s particular calling in life, and his special domain in the world of sport. It is well known that the dapper little gentlemen with latest in dress and straw “deckers” who formerly perched on a high stool in the clerk’s room of our big business establishments, are fast being superseded by girl typists and shorthand writers, the war being largely responsible for the increase of lady clerks. Lady pedestrians are now becoming numerous, two lady sprinters competed in a 75 yards championship race in Melbourne last week. Lady cricketers were pitting their skill in the cricket field at Dandenong last Wednesday, and lady’s bowling clubs are increasing. At some of the racing meetings during the year in this district young ladies have figured with some success as jockeys. In the next decade we may find the husband will come home from business to find his house deserted – the wife at bowls, the daughter schooling a horse over jumps, and the domestic help at cricket practice.
50 years ago
1 March 1973
It took 18 months to organise
They came in old world gowns, fancy bonnets, top hats, tails, beards and colourful waistcoats when Dandenong Town Hall provided more than 350 guests to a colonial style dinner last Friday with a glimpse of days long gone. The dinner, held to officially open the city’s celebration of its centenary of local government, took 18 months to organise……and it went off without a hitch. Outside the town hall flags flanked the city’s coat of arms while in the foyer was an authentic bark hut the handiwork of Mr B Logan. Dandenong’s superintendent of parks and gardens Mr Bill Carrot and staff of 14 were responsible for the floral and plant arrangements – all Australian natives – and 350 potted shrubs Eucalyptus, Jacarandas, Wattles. On their arrival, the Governor Sir Rohan Delacombe and Lady Delacombe were greeted by the Mayor Warren Titcher and Mrs Jo Titcher.
20 years ago
3 March 2003
Latest pours watered down
Recent heavy rains have had little effect on water storages at Cardinia Reservoir Cardinia. Melbourne’s largest water storages are on average 45.8% full. Melbourne Water managing director Brian Bayley said although between 10mm and 30mm of rain fell in the four major harvesting catchments, including Cardinia Reservoir, it had “little impact”. “The ground was so dry that the rain got soaked up in the soil and settled the dust” he said.
5 years ago
5 March 2018
New Year
More than 30,000 people celebrated the Lunar New Year with dragon and lion dancing, Chinese drumming and Taekwondo. Dandenong Market welcomed the Year of the Dog with a festival on Sunday 25 February. There was a pop-up food bazaar with 16 street food vendors cooking up the favours of China, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Nepal. Entertainment included a 20-metre flying dragon.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society