By Sahar Foladi
Bunjil Place will host its first ‘Hakaya of Bukjeh’, translating to ‘Stories and Gathering’ in Arabic.
The event is run by the organisation Bukjeh under CEO, creative director and Casey resident Aseel Tayahrun from 11am to 4pm on Saturday 13 May.
The organisation has delivered cultural experiences, community engagements and First Nations stories in schools, theatre and conferences for almost a decade across the state.
The event is inspired by the Eid spiritual observance, with ‘Hakaya’ literally and metaphorically bringing people together under one roof.
“We are all exposed to celebrations around Christmas and Easter and we want non-Muslims to feel it’s a space they can celebrate with us and know more about our religion,” Ms Tayah said.
The family event will see fun educational activities for kids about Eid while teaching them about how fasts are broken, popular culinary dishes and moon formation.
Ms Tayah first held her Bukjeh event at a small centre where 200 people attended, leading to Casey Council supporting bukjeh on a bigger platform for everyone to experience.
“It’s much more fun seeing the interaction of people who haven’t met before know nothing about each other suddenly in one place to celebrate arts and culture,” Ms Tayah said.
There will be domed canopies installed around Bunjil Place decorated in art, inspired by CALD background and stories across the state.
The event is created in such a way that it could be flexible and accessible for everyone to attend, including a space only for mothers and children.
There’s also a space for conservative Muslims who don’t want to listen to the music but want to attend the event.
Ms Tayah said that’s something that’s often “not thought of” but she wants the event to be inclusive.
Bukjeh wishes to further expand and collaborate with local businesses and is open to ongoing partnerships.