Looking Back

Greater Dandenong councillor Sean O'Reilly as the council declared war on dumped trolleys in 2018. 177655_02 Picture: GARY SISSONS

100 years ago

21 June 1923

Cattle in Market yards

Regarding the complaints recently made by the local police in regard to stock left in the market yards overnight, without food, as it is the intention of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to prosecute the owners of cattle so left, the Council desires me to point out, for the information of owners, that the responsibility for seeing that the cattle are fed and watered rest entirely with the owners – Yours

K G McAlpin, Shire Secretary

50 years ago

14 June 1973

Dr Oldham honoured

“If my father could have been here, this is something that he would have truly appreciated. Of all the areas in medicine with which he was concerned, this was the one he favoured by far.” These comments were made by Mr Max Oldham, as he unveiled a memorial plaque to his father’s memory at the entrance to the new obstetric suite which the committee of the Dandenong and District Hospital has named in his honour. Dr Oldham served the hospital and the community well for the greater part of his life. Dr Ian Hart, Dr Oldham’s oldest colleague, said that to him he was “Alf Oldham, my best friend.” When the hospital first started Dr Oldham had watched it built brick by brick. “Many women in this district have good reason to be grateful for the care and attention and the skill shown by Dr Oldham over many, many years.”

20 years ago

1 June 2003

Plea on Town Hall work

The long running saga of the Dandenong Town Hall redevelopment continues with residents petitioning to stop the project. A petition signed by 328 was tabled by Cr David Kelly at a Greater Dandenong Council meeting. It called on the council to stop redevelopment plans and sought the retention, restoration and refurbishment of the existing town hall. Dandenong Residents and Rate Payers Association (DRRA) said: “Many people in Dandenong and the surrounding region are strongly attached to the existing town hall, Dandenong’s major public heritage focal point. It holds for them and us, immense social cultural and traditional significance – It both tangibly and spiritually connects us with our past and should be passed on to our descendants to give them a sense of where they have come from and their place in time.”

5 years ago

18 June 2018

Trolley small change to make big change

Greater Dandenong has won a battle in its war on shopping trolleys. At their Tuesday 12 June meeting, councillors agreed to proceed with a plan to make coin operations mandatory on carts in the municipality. In February the Journal reported that Cr Sean O’Reilly’s frustration with dumped shopping trolleys had hit breaking point and he’d suggested a new local law could combat the “shopping trolley wasteland”. Cr Tim Dark took the next step and moved the local law change. Cr O’Reilly welcomed the motion.

Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society