In a divided world, hope must endure

by Rev (Dr) Pannasobhana Thero, Buddhist monk and exceutive member of City of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network

We live in a tense period in our global history.

The connections of empathetic world citizenship – the openness to see value in others different from ourselves – are deeply strained.

Extremism is prevalent in politics, religion, and nationalism, driven by anxiety, uncertainty, and fear in a rapidly changing world.

Yet, amidst this turbulence, hope remains our most potent force for positive change.

The threads of our global community may seem thin, but they are resilient.

Every act of kindness, every gesture of understanding, and every effort to bridge divides strengthens these bonds.

History has shown us that humanity has the capacity to rise above its challenges.

From the aftermath of wars to the triumphs of civil rights movements, we have repeatedly demonstrated our ability to heal and grow.

In this era of digital interconnectedness, we have unprecedented opportunities to foster empathy and understanding.

We can use technology to share stories, build communities, and promote dialogue.

Social media, often a source of division, can also be a platform for unity, where diverse voices come together to share their experiences and perspectives.

Education plays a crucial role in cultivating empathetic world citizens.

By teaching our children about different cultures, histories, and beliefs, we lay the foundation for a more inclusive and compassionate world.

Encouraging critical thinking and fostering curiosity about the world beyond our immediate surroundings can help dismantle the barriers that divide us.

As individuals, we can each make a difference.

Small acts of kindness, active listening, and genuine attempts to understand others can have a ripple effect, inspiring others to do the same.

By embracing our shared humanity and recognizing the value in our differences, we can build a more peaceful and united world.

In the face of extremism and division, hope is our beacon.

It reminds us that a better world is possible – oen where empathy, compassion, and understanding prevail.

Let us hold onto that hope and work tirelessly to turn it into reality.

Enquiries regarding the City of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network to or 8774 7662.

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