Vietnamese event celebrates 50 years of freedom

SEMVAC president Kim Son Vu (centre) with volunteers ahead of the 50-year Lunar New Year celebration on 22 February. (Stewart Chambers: 458040)

Fifty years of Vietnamese resettlement is set to be celebrated with a Lunar New Year Festival on Saturday 22 February.

Thousands are expected to enjoy the night fireworks, dragon dances, food stalls, cultural performances, childrens activities and an exhibition 50 Years of Freedom.

The event is hosted by South Eastern Melbourne Vietnamese Association Council (SEMVAC), which provides support services for people in need, including translation, housing, migration visa and Centrelink assistance.

The festival received $40,000 of Greater Dandenong Council funding.

It is on Saturday 22 February 10am-10pm at Burden Park, cnr Heatherton and Springvale roads, Springvale.