By Nathan Johnston
IMPROVEMENTS to freight and passenger rail services were outlined in the City of Greater Dandenong’s Integrated Transport Strategy released last week.
Under the plan, the council would lobby for a rail connection from Dandenong to the Port of Hastings, a roadrail freight interchange at Dandenong South, a duplication of the railline between Cranbourne and Dandenong, and set aside land for new stations on the line at Dandenong South.
In addition, the Port of Hastings could become a major shipping container and cargo port should the capacity of the Port of Melbourne be reduced through limited land and channel deepening concerns.
Bus service improvements are also suggested.
The council will lobby the State Government to implement SmartBus routes along Cheltenham Road, Heatherton Road, the Princes Highway, Greens Road and Glasscocks Road.
Other proposals included the development of peakhour public transport services between Dandenong and Dandenong South’s industrial areas.
The council will also call for the Monash Freeway to be widened to eight lanes between Warrigal Road and Stud Roads, and for Thompsons Road to be duplicated. Both would be completed before the opening of Eastlink in 2008.
Improvements to bicycle and pedestrian paths were also part of the plan.
Strategic Transport Planner Alastair Kellock said his report sets out a vision for what public transport could be like in Greater Dandenong by 2020.
“The Integrated Transport Strategy has been developed to counter the increasing demand for carbased travel,” he said.
“This anticipated rise is likely to be particularly apparent within Greater Dandenong, where the demand for carbased travel will be fuelled by a growing regional population, changing demographics and rising car ownership levels.
“The strategy sets out a range of policies and actions that council can undertake to address these issues in a timely and costefficient manner,” Mr Kellock said in his report.