Dig deep for the cause

Daffodil Day volunteers Irene and Vi. 51734Daffodil Day volunteers Irene and Vi. 51734

By Emma Sun
THIS year, around 640 Dandenong residents will be told they have cancer. Cancer Council Victoria is urging locals to support those affected on Daffodil Day this Friday, 27 August.
Daffodil Day volunteer Irene said everyone should get involved and help the cause.
“Everyone knows someone who has cancer so we should all get together and try to raise as much money as we can,” Irene said.
“I’ve volunteered for three years and I enjoy it because it makes me feel good knowing it’s for a good cause.”
As this year marks the 17th anniversary of Daffodil Day, Cancer Council Victoria hopes to raise $2 million for the fight against cancer.
Cancer Council Victoria spokeswoman Deb Stringer said the money raised will go straight to cancer research, which includes clinical trials across regional and metropolitan Victoria.
“Well-designed clinical trials are the safest and fastest way to test promising new cancer drugs and develop them into better treatments for cancer patients,” Ms Stringer said.
“There are many benefits to cancer patients from participating in clinical trials including access to new and innovative cancer treatments that otherwise would not be available.”
Irene and fellow volunteer Vi will be at Southland Shopping Centre selling merchandise.
Merchandise can also be purchased through various other shopping centres, at train stations, and other participating retailers.
For more information, visit www.daffodilday .com.au or call 1300 656 585.