Bizarre black hole


IF MARTIN Pakula (Green Tinted Spectacles, Journal, 27 November) thinks one bus route is going to solve the public transport woes for Keysborough residents, he’s incredibly out of touch.
As local residents know, Keysborough sits directly inside the gaping public transport black hole between the Frankston and Cranbourne/Pakenham train lines.
One new bus route will hardly fix the public transport problems in Keysborough.
There are systemic problems with buses across the south-east.
Routes are bizarre. Frequency drops off dramatically after about 6pm. They often don’t connect with train stations or with train timetables.
What we really need is more trains with better frequency and that means high-capacity signalling and better car parking options around stations.
We need proper connectivity between different transport modes and we need to get rid of the transport black holes in places like Keysborough.
Mr Pakula must know that residents are unhappy with the lack of action by this and previous governments.
The Greens are working hard with the community to come up with choices and solutions for south-east residents – and we’re very keen to work with Mr Pakula and this government to get better outcomes.
Nina Springle,
South Eastern Metropolitan Greens MP.