Residents push for transport

KEYSBOROUGH residents are calling for public transport to service new housing estates, with some children walking half an hour to reach a bus stop to get to school.
At the 29 January council meeting, Dheeraj Sachder said public transport through Keylana Park Drive and Westwood Road was needed to connect residents to Southland, Springvale, Noble Park and Dandenong.
Sharon Tan said: “We need to look into public transport for new Keysborough estates. Many school students have to walk 30 minutes to the bus stop.”
City of Greater Dandenong engineering services director Bruce Rendall said the council shared the concerns of residents about the lack of public transport in Keysborough South.
“Council has been and will continue to advocate for bus services in that area and to other high-priority areas such as Dandenong South industrial areas and the bus services to Noble Park on a Sunday,” he said.
Mr Rendall said the primary responsibility for public transport provision rested with the State Government, and urged residents to advocate for these improvements directly with their state representatives and Public Transport Minister Terry Mulder.
“Sometimes, those grassroots voices can be heard more loudly,” he said at the 11 February meeting.
The Star contacted the State Government, but did not receive a response before deadline.