Building bridges to better understanding

Students, front, Farzara and Micah from Lyndale Secondary College and, back, Liam and Maxsam from Dandenong High School, with Tempest, Lizzy and Lisa from Dandenong Youth Think Tank. 146283

STUDENTS are taking lessons of tolerance, understanding and acceptance to their school communities and beyond.
Lyndale Secondary College and Dandenong High School on Wednesday 11 November completed social cohesion program Building Bridges in the Dandenong council chambers.
The group of 30-plus Year 9 and 10 students discussed better ways to negotiate, respect and engage with each other’s differences.
They completed activities with members of the City of Greater Dandenong’s Youth Think Tank to learn resilience strategies, peace building and conflict management skills.
The students also shared personal stories and experiences of faith, religion, and culture.
They’ll now return to their school communities to put their new skills and knowledge into practice with support from the council’s Youth and Family Services team.
The Office of Multicultural Affairs funded Building Bridges to promote understanding and acceptance among Victoria’s diverse faith communities and within the wider Victorian community.
The City of Greater Dandenong Youth and Family Services delivered the program in partnership with Wellsprings for Women.