Brothel calls out fake Facebook prostitutes

The Garden of Eden. 153114 Picture: GARY SISSONS


A FAKE brothel Facebook page has been sending potential customers to residential streets in Dandenong and Dingley.
Legal Dandenong brothel Garden of Eden lodged more than 200 complaints with Facebook about the Kingdom Come Brothel page to no avail.
However the page was taken down on Friday 22 April after the Journal contacted Facebook for comment.
“Facebook are not following their own standards and requirements and this is really what I’d like to share,” Garden of Eden’s licencee said.
“Let’s hope we can protect a family from being affected or a young lady from being pulled off the streets by strangers looking for a brothel.
“I feel so sorry for the families who don’t deserve these addresses to be published on Facebook.”
The licensee, who did not want her name published, said the page for the fake business had attracted almost 200 likes and used photographs of international models in its promotional posts.
She attended the address to investigate what she thought was competition and found a vacant block of land.
“Next door was just a normal factory. Then next door to that was a family in a home,” she said.
“Then two doors up from that there was a young mum.
“It’s residential.”
She contacted the page to let the operator know where they were sending potential customers and warned residents about the clientele that might appear in their street – or even knock on their door.
“You’ve got McDonald’s across the road and you’ve got kids walking home from school,” she said.
“You might have a woman walking to a factory job – what if she gets grabbed?
“Facebook is solely responsible for men attending addresses where families live.”
She said the page launched attacks on her and the Garden of Eden and changed its address to a street containing her name which was in another residential area.
“If I had the money I’d take Facebook to court because of the defamation and slander to my business,” she said.
“It’s obviously some sort of attack. Some group, another brothel, a disgruntled girl…
“I won’t say it didn’t hurt me, because it did.”
The licensee said that businesses in the industry without an SWA number were illegal and not subject to stringent health checks on workers.