Preserving our history

Dandenong-Cranbourne RSL president John Wells with a World War I uniform displayed at the Dandenong sub-branch.

MEMBERS of the Dandenong-Cranbourne RSL sub-branch will learn how to preserve, maintain and increase access to war heritage collections.
Museums Australia and the State Government are delivering the training program to five organisations across Victoria.
“We have a really proud wartime legacy in Dandenong, and it’s our duty to preserve these memories for younger generations,” Dandenong MP Gabrielle Williams said.
“The War Heritage Collections Training Program will give the Dandenong-Cranbourne RSL sub-branch the skills it needs to safeguard the important treasures that mean so much to so many locals.”
Dandenong-Cranbourne RSL will receive intensive museological support from Museums Australia; a tailored report identifying conservation, significance and oral history priorities; up to $5000 to work with a conservation professional to stabilise, repair or rehouse at-risk memorabilia; and support to identify significant memorabilia and catalogue it on the Victorian Collections website.
The program is part of the $1 million Veterans Heritage and History Strategy and will run until 2018.