Reaping for our growers

Harrisfield Primary''s ''farmers for a day'', back from left, Jess, Sov and Lucas, middle from left, Ryland, Aaliyah, Haikal and Logan, front from left, Charley and Daphne. 184063_01 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


Students have raised amazing feats to bail out drought-stricken farmers.

At Harrisfield Primary School, student councillors recently dedicated their term fundraiser to helping out the nation’s food providers.

They organised a farmer dress-up day, raising upwards of $1600.

“It’s important that we all realise our main food source is provided by Australian farmers,” staff member Cathy O’Brien said.

At St Anthony’s Primary School, teacher Deana Portia said students were moved by the stories of farmers struggling to feed their livestock – and even their families.

Students, teachers, support staff and parents cooked up hot dogs and African cuisine for lunch, as well as cupcakes, friendship bracelets and bookmarks.

Over two weeks, they have raised nearly $3000 for the fundraiser Buy a Bale.