Sweet gestures relieve bushfire pain

Dandenong CFA Leading Fire Fighter Kevin Kissell, Lee Franklin of Dandy Donuts, and firefighter Andy Barnes. 191402_01 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

Greater Dandenong Council will pitch in $10,000 towards relief charity efforts to help victims of the Bunyip State Park bushfires.

The devastating fires this month destroyed 29 houses plus 76 outbuildings and sheds.

Cr Tim Dark, who proposed the motion, said charity Casey Cardinia Foundation had received requests from a lot of people who had lost animals, livelihoods and wineries.

As of 14 March, 38 fire trucks and appliances were still on the fire ground, which covered more than 15,400 hectares.

More than 2000 firefighters and 61 aircraft had been used to quell the blazes.

Meanwhile, Dandy Donuts stepped up by delivering 600 donuts to fire-fighters at the height of the disaster.

Lee Franklin, who works at the iconic Dandenong Market food truck, said she wanted to support the fire effort. And so she delivered the batch to Dandenong CFA.

Leading Fire Fighter Kevin Kissell said the donuts went down well during the demanding, frenetic task.

“It brings a smile to the face and lifts morale.

“It shows us that we’ve got the community behind us.

“I’d say they’re the best donuts in Melbourne.”