Calm for challenging times

Jagrit Sharma''s blog offers tips on coping with anxiety

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

Like the soothing smell of a gum leaf, a Dandenong teen hopes to bring calm to anxiety sufferers with a free online resource.

Nineteen-year-old Jagrit Sharma created his Euclyptine blog three months ago to help fill a void in online help.

The name derives from the therapeutic aroma of eucalyptus, and the timing couldn’t be better in the midst of mass-coronaviral upheaval.

The cybersecurity student with an interest in psychology says he writes from personal experience, as well as that of his family and friends.

He posts coping strategies such as the 5-4-3-2-1 Trick, a relaxation playlist, and delves into how to talk to an anxious person.

“When I used to have anxiety I couldn’t go ask something from my family,” Mr Sharma says.

“Now I can be open to people and share my thoughts and opinions

“I want other people to get better as well.”

His key advice to others is to seek therapy – go to a GP, get a referral for professional help -before it’s too late.

Many don’t take this step until 10 years down the track.

They’ve accepted their anxiety as something normal.

By that stage, it’s entrenched and may have led to other issues such as depression, lack of sleep and an inability to work and function properly through life.

“I feel like we don’t understand anxiety well and how it affects a person.

“There can be panic attacks and shivering but it’s different for everyone.

“It’s not something you can get rid of straightaway.”

In years past, Mr Sharma wasn’t comfortable talking to others at all, let alone about his anxiety. And he struggled to find a helpful online resource.

Websites such as beyond blue had information but lacked the personal touch. More individualized services usually came with a fee, he said.

The turning point came when he learnt to tackle the challenge head-on.

He joined City of Greater Dandenong’s Young Leaders program and enlisted as house captain at Dandenong High School.

As he assumed leadership roles, his self-esteem grew, he said.

“I feel that’s what people need to do. If there’s something bothering you, you need to step up.

“You can’t expect the world to change for you.”

And in this dramatically changing world, Mr Sharma recommends that people follow trustworthy media and not get swept away by social-media panic-buying campaigns.

“People are stocking up on everything when there’s so many people that need more help.

“You don’t need to buy all the milk. You’ll be fine.”
